Every template you need as a freelancer to sign more clients and complete projects successfully.

(Plus a video walkthrough of the templates
to help you use them for your projects)


Scroll to read what freelancers who bought think and what’s included.

What happy buyers are saying…


Camille Trent
Freelance Writer & Managing Editor for MarketerHire

“The templates are exactly what I needed to give me direction!

I've experimented with different proposal styles and templates. But now, I’m using Terry's framework for all my proposals. Super straightforward, professional, and I can easily modify them for my brand.”

Mads Hanna
Senior Freelance Copywriter

“It's already positively impacted my new business efforts and saved me a boatload of time.

The template bundle was the instant guide I didn't know I was missing. The sample templates are crisp, modern, non-pushy, efficient, and effective. I highly recommend for the novice freelancer or the freelancer who has been around the block—never too late to learn a few new tricks!

Nicole Meyerson
Freelance Marketing & Branding Consultant

“Terry’s templates gave me an extra boost of confidence in delivering higher rates.

As a freelancer, each new challenge can feel like I’m the only one who’s experienced it. But, Terry’s template gave me a clear direction in packaging my services and adding more value to charge more. ”

Orlando Martinez
Freelance Social Media Manager & Marketing Automation Specialist

“It gave me a top-level view of what the a good proposal looks like.

The proposal template is a career-saver and feel more confident communicating my services and value when talking to prospects. It’s definitely worth the investment.”


These templates can help any freelancer who:

  • Has a great service that can help people and companies but have a rough time coming up with proposals to show it

  • Doesn’t have the time to draft a new proposal from scratch every time

  • Wants to show leads they fully understand their needs and can provide real
    and reliable solutions to their problems

  • Needs a little help clearly communicating their price and terms

  • Wants to better protect themselves by adding in proper legal terms

  • Wants to evoke professionalism but also showcase some personality,
    interest, and sincerity in their proposal

  • Wants to hear more of “your proposal looks great. Let’s move forward.”


Shaye Hatchette
Freelance Copywriter

“I now use these templates to land 95%
of my clients.

Terry’s template bundle is well worth every penny!! It saves you lots of time on writing proposals and the guesswork of what to charge and contract language. The biggest help for me though is the confidence in charging & knowing how best to help my clients. Who would want pass that up?!”

Jennifer Hickerson
Senior Freelance Content Writer

“Terry’s Proposal Template Bundle is a God-send.

As a freelancer, we’re business owners — and that takes up a lot of time in and of itself. But having already-made templates that’s already proven to work is no-brainer. I even got a new contract using the proposal template for the first time. The time saved alone is worth the price. Fill in the blanks and go!”

What’s included in the bundle

Note: The following templates are all customizable.

  • Your go-to client proposal template: Here’s the proposal template I use for about 85% of my projects. Great to use as a PDF or even send via email.

  • Large project proposal template: Close more clients with this detailed proposal template to showcase all the value you’ll bring to the project along with clear payment terms. Great for large projects.
    Click here to preview the template.

  • The Terms and Conditions Template: Legal terms to include in your invoice or on the bottom of your proposal so you get paid up front and protect your work. Includes language for payment terms/changes and revisions/no guarantees/copyright.

  • Freelance Project Contract Template: Legal terms and language to send to clients for larger projects. Includes important language for entire agreement and to help ensure your services and work are protected.

  • New Prospect Meeting Sales Script: Get 5 questions to ask a prospect to ensure the client is a good fit and to help them see why you’re the right fit.

  • The New Client Discovery Questionnaire: A Google Form template with my favorite questions to ask clients about their business. This will help give you the insights you need to research and create the right content.

  • Freelance Pricing Guide: A detailed guide to with a helpful formula and tips for pricing projects accurately.

  • Video walkthrough of the templates: If you’re curious how to use these templates successfully, I created a video going through how I use each of them and how you can use them for your projects.

7 templates for $65. A whole lotta value you can make back
with your first successful proposal.

Win more clients without undercharging your freelance services.

Refining your proposals gets you one step closer towards your next project. These templates will help you add value to every deliverable and package your services with confidence. Learn how to get paid upfront, offers deliverables your competitors won’t, and create project add-ons your prospects will appreciate.

Please note: I am NOT a legal expert. I recommend discussing any documents with a lawyer if you have legal questions.

